Schakelpauzes. Teksten van en over Thomas Meinecke
Apr 2014
in Schakelpauzes. Teksten van en over Thomas Meinecke, pieces from the work of Thomas Meinecke are published in Dutch for the first time. Thomas Meinecke is famous in Germany as a pioneering and cross-border novelist, columnist, musician and radio and club deejay.
As members of the editorial team of Schakelpauzes, we selected thirteen representative pieces from Meinecke’s oeuvre. The book also contains an interview with the author and thirteen witty essays about his work by German and international experts. The fact that Meinecke, being one of the founding fathers of pop literature, drives the reader crazy with images and quotes, is mirrored in the graphic design. We inserted image reels alongside the texts that evoke and intensify the associative ways of thinking and searching triggered by Meinecke’s texts.
The book is published by de Grafische Cel, the publishing company of LUCA School of Arts Ghent. It was edited by Iannis Goerlandt, Michiel Rys, Arne De Winde and Dear Reader,.
“Copy and Paste von Texten ist heute sicher Konsens. Was aber nicht bedeutet, dass Einigkeit herrscht. Mir geht es bei den Techniken des uneigentlichen Sprechens nicht nur um technische Fragen, sondern auch um politische. Zentral ist für mich etwa die Frage, wie man dadurch sprachliche Diskriminierung – etwa Sexismus und Rassismus – beenden kann. Die Sprache ist ein Knast. Da gibt es noch viel zu tun.” Thomas Meinecke